
Showing posts from October, 2019

Chapter 6 -Women Photojournalists - Trials and Triumphs

     Jessie Tarbox Beals was the first female night photographer and American photojournalist. She broke many social norms for women of her time. Her career excelled when she won a camera from a magazine subscription. According to an article by The Library of Congress, Jessie said, " I began when I was a teacher in Massachusetts, with a small camera that cost me $1.75 for the whole outfit. In a week I had discarded it for a larger one and in five weeks that one had earned me $10 ." During this time it was uncommon for women to work and have jobs in fields like photojournalism or to obtain jobs in general. She is known as an urban photographer. She tried capturing the beauty of New York through her photography. In the last in her career she photographed wealthy peoples homes and gardens. Women in photojournalism create and show the opportunities for other women. Jessie Tarbox Beals      As most women in photojournalism did, Jessie faced trials ...

Opioid Crisis Project

The opio i d cris is  is  the  worst  misuse and  depend e ncy of  a drug  in  h i story and is taking the lives of  thousands of people every year.  According to  an article by the National Institute on  D rug  A buse , “ Every day, more than 130 people in the United States die after overdosing on   opioids.   The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including  prescription pain relievers ,  heroin , and synthetic opioids such as  fentanyl —is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare .”  This epidemic  refers to w idespread  number of deaths and hospitalizations that are caused by opioid drugs.  Some of these are due to post-op prescription use that eventually become s  an addiction.  This highly addictive substance  kills about  47 ,450 people each  year and  will continue to take lives unless the...